Author Topic: ABOY Singles (2)  (Read 7174 times)

Between Two Worlds

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ABOY Singles (2)
« on: October 14, 2005, 06:52:00 AM »
I start a new thread because this is not about getting the singles but what's on them. I finally got mine today (from HMV, bought separately as there was no all three for six Pounds offer).

She's a Mystery to Me is beautiful. I first heard it when U2 were performing on Top of the Pops and I am glad finally to own a rendering of it.

I've now got half a dozen versions of Miss Sarajevo - live from Milan has Bono in good voice for all parts and I don't mind having it.

A Man and a Woman seems to be some people's least favourite track on the new album not least because of the sentiments expressed in the lyrics. I like the lyrics so I should not complain that my "acoustic" version has them. Not being a very musical person, I do struggle, however, identifying the difference between what I have received as a B-side on ABOY and what's on the album. Maybe I need to play them at the same time once I get a chance. Does anyone else find that the "acoustic" version sounds just the same as the HTDAAB version?

still wandering Between Two Worlds

Between Two Worlds

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« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2005, 11:49:56 AM »
My mistake for confusing "acoustic" and "instrumental" (my only feeble excuse being that English is not my first language) -

for those who have not yet got the single: the difference between the b-side and the album version is of course the lack of bass and drums on the acoustic version - they still sound very similar


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« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2005, 11:06:26 AM »
There is a really good full band version (with brass) of She's a Mystery to Me from the lovetown tour.  Forgot the details, but you can probably dig them up on and search on p2p.

re: the acoustic A Man and a Woman... in some ways I like it more than the album version (I was personally glad they didn't just strum chords the entire time) but the slinky bass lines were arguably some of my favorite aspects of the song.

What would be really neat is to get a version of it with the acoustic guitar completely cut out - it starts off acapella and then has edge's atmospherics and LMJ's light percussion.  I think that would be interesting.

Between Two Worlds

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« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2005, 04:04:43 PM »
Thanks for the tip! I've found "December 30, 1989 / Dublin" on U2 January 6, 1990 / Rotterdam would be an alternative from the lovetown tour.

By the way, lists 33 performances of the song (I heard it a year ago in the BBC car park).

I am afraid acoustic versions generally don't do a lot for me. I miss the bass line.


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« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2005, 10:39:41 PM »
They are mostly acoustic performances... there was a short version of it played at the Radio1 (i think) promo performance for HTDAAB.  The rest of them are probably snippets performed after One, I know he used to do that on the ZooTV tour and may have done so on Popmart as well.

It'd be interesting to see if both those lovetown shows had the song around the rest of the BB King stuff or if one of them has the song isolated and acoustic.  Of course I could be wrong and there are two full live versions (or more).

Have you heard the original studio version?

Between Two Worlds

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« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2005, 01:52:54 PM »
No, I have not. Thanks for the detailed info. For practical reasons or maybe out of sheer laziness I never really got into trading and I cannot do bit-torrent and stuff like that. So I don't know much beyond what can be bought....