Seriously underwhelmed here.
I always resubscribe immediately after hearing the gift announced. Even "Duals". Yes. I found stuff on that I was interested in (although not much).
But I'm not going to bother here. First off the book. That era has been covered to death. The photos and snippets being shown on the page are all pictures we have seen before. That doesn't leave me with much interest. Even recently there's been an exploration of this era with the remasters, and the book of Brocklebank's photography. Hot Press has put together a number of books that look at those early days. Bill Graham put together an early book of photos as well.
Second? My subscription doesn't renew until April. With the mention of the Super Bowl in the recent flurry of announcements, I fully expect if there is a tour, they'd hit while the iron is hot the day after the Super Bowl, like Madonna did last year. Oh and every ticket bought the week of the SuperBowl of Madonna's album? Came with a presale copy of the album, which counted towards eventual first week sales of the that's what I'm guessing may happen again...So my sub won't even be up by the time such an offer comes along. So no push there.
Third? The promise of exclusive music. They have touted the exclusives before - the video on the website, downloads and streaming. None of that is all that special, and within days of being posted can be found in general all over the net. The CDs however used to give me something special for the value. And I always wanted to jump right on and subscribe to make sure I was in the first batch of CDs that came out and wasn't left waiting. This year though? Meh. Just a book I'll flip through once or twice and then likely never look at again.
If they announce further music, in the form of a release, I'll hop right on subscribing. And eventually i'll likely resub anyway - I'm just not in any rush and find this the most underwhelming subscription offer since the metal membership card.