The lyrics printed in the Boy, October, and War Deluxe booklets are all the same as those found in the lyrics section. What is interesting (to me, anyways) is that some of the printed lyrics in the JT Deluxe booklet are the normal 'official' lyrics as found at but a few others are from Bono's earlier drafts. Same case in the AB Super Deluxe book. It's fascinating to see an early draft and compare it to the 'finished' lyric in the song.
Even not considering snippets, off the cuff remarks during a song, etc., I wonder if there is even one 'official' lyric version on that is exactly the same as what he sang. There might be a few.
Well there's Spiderman...tho not actual U2 songs, they're Bono lyrics. Those lyrics printed in the album booklet are perfectly accurate to what was sung.
The lyrics are usually the last thing to be 'finished' for a U2 recording, if they can ever be considered finished. Often, especially on the earliest albums, the recording still has 'Bongolese'. He'll keep working on those before the tour starts, during the tour...
Of course B's lyrics are always a work in progress. Even discounting the snippets there will be changes made in the live versions. You can even hear him working on lyrics during sound checks, especially the famous one before they performed The Wanderer live for the Johnny Cash Tribute. There's also a great video of a soundcheck before the special concert at the Brandenburg Gate where Bono is trying out different phrasings for his 'rant' at the end of SBS that became a staple during the 360 tour.
He's always tweaking things to fit the live situation. Sometimes if they haven't played a song in a long time he'll go back to an earlier version. Whatever version he comes up with for a tour he usually sticks with it the whole tour unless there is some special circumstance. I often wonder if these days he just goes online to to find his 'official' one. Or maybe even takes a peek at U2Wanderer.
Or maybe he has everything on his iPad?
I've had a few dreams where I've met Bono on the street and asked him what he was trying to do in Another Time Another Place. I always wake up just before he answers. Hopefully one time I'll catch him with his iPad.

(Not that there's any obsession there...)