Author Topic: \"Rock as hard...\" + \"Die young\"  (Read 18866 times)


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\"Rock as hard...\" + \"Die young\"
« on: September 23, 2004, 08:05:31 PM »
the lyrics as posted on seem pretty accurate except for:

(Checking it)
(Just fine)
(She'll make it)

i seem to hear   'checking it, jezebel, she'll make it'. could be me though. it's hard to keep yourself out of the equation.


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« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2004, 08:43:01 PM »
I'm getting increasingly less confident about that second muttered line there.  I actually think it might be "check it, shadows/shots fall, she'll make it."  We do both hear a L at the end there.  Perhaps the girl with Jesus around her neck made it past the twinkling bullets?

A change I'm thinking of is "I can't stand the beats" to "I can sell the beats."  I can hear it both ways but the second makes more sense. Early on I felt it was beats, not beat... thing is I'm hear a strong 'and' sound which backs up stand, though I can't really tell if it should be can or can't.  I'd like sell the beats, because then lyrically "at least they know" ties into the line after it as well as the one before.  Can't stand the beats doesn't seem to fit if you look at those parts connected.

I can't really choose between:
There's bullets ripping sky
As bullets rip the sky

[Edited on 2004-9-25 by Carl]


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« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2004, 03:43:43 AM »
Okie, here we go...

You: (Turn it up loud, captain)
Me: (Turn it up there, captain)

Before the first verse actually starts, you can hear someone (sounds like Bono) faintly in the background. Sounds to me like:

Rock as hard as you can tonight

But I'm probably wrong on that, so listen to that bit with open ears! }:)~

You: I can't stand the beat
Me: I can't stand the feet }:D~

I'm serious! I know it sounds ridiculous, but hey, I can't deny that that's what I hear.

And maybe it's because I'm a contrary old goat who doesn't hear as well I used to, but I think y'all are both dead wrong with those three phrases. I'm wondering if it is even English at all. But if it IS English, here's my translation:

You: (Check it) (Shots fall) (She'll make it)
Me: (Should they) (Shy's a flaw) (Showman and in there)

I've sent you some bits Carl, as with the Neon Lights bit, when I converted them to mp3 they ended up crappy, so these little bits are .wav files.


P.S. This song has grown on my like a fungus, now I can't get it out of my head! }:D~


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« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2004, 04:08:50 AM »
RG: (Turn it up there, captain)

If I pretend the guy is a pirate it works. Well. (Turn it up thar, captain).  I'll see if I hear this in the morning too, but I'm thinking this is a change to make

Rock as hard as you can tonight

Something is definately there.  It sounds pretty solid except perhaps "tonight".

CU: (Check it) (Shots fall) (She'll make it)
RG: (Should they) (Shy's a flaw) (Showman and in there)

Hmm.  I think the first part has a harder attack than should, ie "ch".  The second part sounds extremely dorky isolated.  Like an exagerated texan accent. The third part sounds completely off now, way to few syllables and there are definately some N's in there.  Now I'm completely baffled.  I'm just going stick with what I hear in the song itself as it makes sense to me and hopefully those listening along.

The beat/feet part I'm not buying.  Unless it is a refence to this:

There is, to my ears, a definate 'S' at the end.  And feets is going too far.

For those wanting to follow along, here's mp3s:
Vertigo pre-verse whisper.mp3
Vertigo Three phrases.mp3
Vertigo Turn it up.mp3

[Edited on 2004-9-25 by Carl]


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« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2004, 08:09:12 AM »
"It's dark, YOUR TROUBLE is your head can't rule your heart,"? This is what I heard and it makes sense, give it a good listen and you should hear it too.

edit - oops, i accidently edited your message instead of quoting (stupid admin priveleges).  I've been editing a lot of mine to get more info in and I didn't notice. The gist of it was re-created.

[Edited on 2004-9-25 by Carl]


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« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2004, 01:44:18 PM »
It's an interesting change, reminds of "you're dangerous, 'cause you're honest."  I hear "the jungle" clearly though.  If you want something that appears to make more sense:

Lights go down
It's dark, the jungle is
Your head can't rule your heart

I went against this due to the singing rhythm (though that doesn't hold for everything) and the fact I see the jungle as meaning something vibrant and teeming with ideas, a cacophony and chaos of the intellect that re-inforces the rest of the imagery.

While at @U2, I saw the next two lines had been changed.  I listened, agreed, and am changing mine.  So Ian Ryan, if you come here feel free to use the little mp3 bits and such.

A feeling so much stronger
Than a thought


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« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2004, 06:10:02 PM »
Yes, I hear "the jungle" now too... I was having a momentary lapse in Bono-singing perception, I think... Call it the joy of the moment.


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« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2004, 08:37:51 PM »
No problem, it happens to all of us occasionally.  I think the "your" is pretty easy to hear, and from there trouble is a logical conclusion.  I know that when there's something I can't hear sometimes my mind will hear what it thinks should be there.  

Try listening to the Neon Lights clips while looking at each of the three possibilities mentioned so far.  It's an interesting phenomenon.


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« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2004, 07:40:17 AM »
Where can I find those?


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« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2004, 01:04:20 PM »
Neon lights whisper thread right next to this one.  There are two links at the bottom of my post.

Just little 5 second things, one a normal clip and the other remastered to hear vocals better.

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Vertigo Lines
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2004, 07:33:32 PM »
I think the transcription of the Vertigo lyrics at looks good.

Here a few additional comments:

Lights go down
It's dark, the jungle is
Your head can't rule your heart

could be scanned:

Lights go down, it's dark
the jungle is Your head
can't rule your heart

The phenomenon whereby a phrase goes with two lines has been recognised in poetry found in the Bible as well as other ancient texts (and maybe modern ones?). This works here (with a bit of interpretation):

the jungle is your head = the complexity (mess?) of our situation lies in the human heart (e.g., to dismantle an atomic bomb, you'll have to change hearts first of all)

your head can't rule your heart = pretty much equivalent to the idea that a feeling is so much stronger than a thought (e.g., a good argument won't conquer a strong feeling)

If I am right, there is no need for Carl to worry about the fact that "Your head" goes with the first line rhythmically but is required to go (also) with the second line for this second line to make sense - in fact, what sounds at first like music and meaning competing against each other can be interpreted as a clever way to mark the phrase "Your head" as the pivot. Has anyone observed Bono using this device before?

I am not sure about "Your mind may wonder". I seem to hear something like "You might be wonder" which doesn't make a lot of sense but may be meant as "You might be wondered" (if that is acceptable English) - on the theme of what rock musicians can and cannot do. Bono cannot change souls with his music but he can make us wonder about things. Sorry, this is going in the direction of interpretation...

"I can't stand the beats" - I love that line with its ambiguity. (continued by the "check/cheque" ambiguity). I am fairly sure that the "crimson nails" are to be read on two levels and it may be the beats that push these nails into Jesus' body (colouring them crimson) which Bono can't stand. However, like the rivergoat I hear an "f" rather than a "b" (although I do seem to hear the "s" at the end of the word) and "sell" is not entirely out of the question either (selling feats?)...

On the three least distinct phrases. I agree with Carl about the harder sound at the beginning leading us to  "check" rather than "should" - mabye "change it"? "Show maiden in yeah" is not bad. I can either hear this or "Showman in there" (without "and")... while none of the offers on the second phrase quite captures what my ears hear: a "ch" sound followed by "a" as in "father" and "s" and then maybe "fall"....


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« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2004, 06:47:50 PM »
Lights go down, it's dark
the jungle is Your head
can't rule your heart

I realize where you're coming from, but it would seem odd to capitalize Your in a middle of the line.  Though of course lyrics aren't really grammatically correct anyways.

The phenomenon whereby a phrase goes with two lines has been recognised in poetry found in the Bible as well as other ancient texts (and maybe modern ones?). [...]

Has anyone observed Bono using this device before?

I agree with your analysis on the lines.  It was interesting to see the lyrics being slagged when (to me at least) they're much more interesting than most of ATYCLB.  If you go with the "sell the beats line this device occurs again in Vertigo.

They know that they can't dance / At least they know: This brings to mind a lot of Bono commentary in the 80s his intro to Mysterious Ways on ZooTV etc.

At least they know / I can sell the beats = No worries about the above, U2 can still make great music that people will buy.

I still don't think this is what is sung there, but it is interesting.

I am not sure about "Your mind may wonder".

I'm pretty sure it's wander. ;)

On the three least distinct phrases. I agree with Carl about the harder sound at the beginning leading us to  "check" rather than "should" - mabye "change it"? "Show maiden in yeah" is not bad. I can either hear this or "Showman in there" (without "and")... while none of the offers on the second phrase quite captures what my ears hear: a "ch" sound followed by "a" as in "father" and "s" and then maybe "fall"....

I went (back to?) shot dead for the first line, but am not sure if it will stay that way.  I really want to make that last line "She'll make it in yeah" or "She made it in yeah" ie escaping the bullets but I can't hear it so the nonsense goes up. :)


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« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2004, 10:28:43 PM »
The jungle is your head
Can't rule your heart
And though your soul
It can't be bought
Your mind can wander  

And though your soul
It can't be bought
Your mind in wonder


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« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2004, 10:35:01 PM »
And though your soul
It can't be bought
Your mind in WANDER


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« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2004, 11:12:49 PM »
Another thing:

I can't stand the beats
I'm asking for the cheque...

maybe i listen more:
i can sent the beats
I'm asking for the cheque...
(-> Lyrics Interpretations : his reward he want to receive is ... )  
The girl with crimson nails
Has Jesus around her neck
Swinging to the music....