Author Topic: Touch (B-Side) ending  (Read 7632 times)


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Touch (B-Side) ending
« on: December 26, 2003, 04:29:43 AM »
rivergoat's transcription:

Bono (I think): You're missing a page, the one before that.. as soon as you
Unknown voice 1:Wanna do it again?
The Edge (I think): No, that's how we record it
Unknown voice 2: So that's it

FYI -  my mp3 of the song cuts out the talking after "page" and I don't have an original copy.  I'll try and dig up access to another one soon.


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« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2003, 01:05:58 AM »
I just uploaded the ending for you twice.. the original and what I worked on. the one I worked on gets LOUD fast, so don't crank it up!



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« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2003, 03:21:40 AM »
I made my own edit based on your original, the noise reduction at the end is a little ugly.  Tweaked noise reduction, slowed it down, amplified etc.  I don't the "Should we do it again" exists, it is just noise that sounds like speech if you listen to much.

Bono: You missed it there! [0s - 1.0s]
Edge: Maybe we should come in before that? [1s - 2.5s]
Bono: As soon as you've fff! [4s - 5s]

Adam: Yeah well that's how we recorded it [7.7s - 9.3s]

???: That's it/fine [9.6s]


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« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2004, 03:54:44 PM »
Well, redid this last night for the hell of it, came up with a nice new .wav for the last part (right after the sound drops). Here's everything in context:

Bono (I think): As soon as you...
<sound drop out>
Unk1: "Why doesn't Larry redo it with Bono?"
Unk2: "No, that's very unfortunate." or "No that's how we record it."

(Figured out a possible alternate last sentence there. Didn't hear anything after that but static, possibly because I cleaned it up too much.)
