Hi! Looking over internet info about new DVD I found this site with release date, catalog number and prize ;P
http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?pid=8141960&style=movieUIBI-1027 is possibly japanese edition - like this:
http://nttxstore.jp/_II_D113154054Next this I found other: UIBI-9024
And this one is very interesting, because it looks like a 2 disc version!

Look here:
http://hamaraji.com/hpgen/HPB/entries/72.htmlI'm not good in japanese, but this UIBI-9024/5(
2DVD ¥4500)is clear.
After translation in Google:
3 / 31 Release
Live at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena U2/360° DX Edition
= UIBI-9024 / 5 (2DVD ? 4500)
NEW ?album No Line On The Horizon In addition to California in the Rose Bowl czar Mon 10 LIVE will release a deluxe limited edition special package with more documentary footage recorded.
So it's very good news. I hope that the "more documentary footage" is live content from other concerts like Barcelona or Chicago.
But release date is nearly and I can't find anything about european or american release? Did you found anything? On one of polish
online-shop site
there is a release date 2010-04-07, but with text: DVD japanese.

I hope there is no only japanese release