Author Topic: Vertigo Remix  (Read 5319 times)


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Vertigo Remix
« on: October 06, 2004, 10:35:02 PM »
The lyrics overall are much clearer, and I'm currently playing the mp3 from a USB jumpdrive with the EQ on winamp maxed out to compensate for unpowered speakers. has it up in wma at the moment i believe.

Needless to say, not on my computer at the moment, which for the next week or so will be without internet access.

The lines "a feeling so much stronger than a thought" seems like either "when fear has taken over every thought" (this was mailed to me monday before I even heard the remix) or
"and fear has taken over every thought."

Anyone with this and the single version think they are different vocal takes??  I'll check later myself but will be posting sporadically.