Author Topic: Single or E.P. / Mini-album?  (Read 4884 times)


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Single or E.P. / Mini-album?
« on: October 14, 2009, 03:48:41 AM »
I have been going through my U2 collection, and have come to ask myself what type of release certain items are. What is classified as a single, and what as an E.P. or mini-album. The following are the ones I am not sure about:

"Even Better Than The Real Thing: The Remixes" UK CD (Looks like a single, but by adding 'The Remixes' to the title, suggests to me that it is more of a mini-album).

"Popheart: Live" UK CD (It seems to be a mini live album as opposed to a single of 'Please')

"Mofo: Remixes" UK CD (Again, by adding 'Remixes' to the title, it suggests to me it is a mini-album).

"Magnificent" 10 Track US CD (the sheer number of tracks suggests to me it is an album as opposed to a single, but is this correct?)

What is the criteria regarding what is considered a single?

Thanks for any help.

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Re: Single or E.P. / Mini-album?
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2009, 06:55:30 AM »
In my opinion, even if it is a large number of them, if all a disc contains is variations of a single song (w/perhaps one other lonely b-side), it's a single, so everything on your list would be a single, save for POPMART LIVE, which would be an EP (it has several unique tracks, but not enough to comprise an entire album).


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Re: Single or E.P. / Mini-album?
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2009, 02:25:16 PM »
I own a cd single by Dutch band de Heideroosjes.
It contains 5 tracks, except that the 5th track is part of the 4th, a hidden track if you will.

They've added a text saying 'according to our record company a cd single is not allowed to have more than 4 tracks'.
I don't know exactly what the criteria are for a release to be named a single, EP or mini album, but that's what I've found on the single I own myself.
The 'Magnificent Remixes' is actually a real album if you follow the record company's since it contains 13 tracks.

For my personal U2 collection the only releases that I labeled an EP are:
Wide Awake In America, 7, Exclusive (iTunes), Live From Under Brooklyn Bridge (iTunes) and Early Demos (from the iTunes box set).
I consider all other releases singles.


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Re: Single or E.P. / Mini-album?
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2009, 02:40:15 PM »
The UK singles chart would consider the 10-track Magnificent CD to be a "Maxi CD," although I don't think it would be eligible to chart as a single because it's longer than 25 minutes.

The rules for a Maxi CD specifically state "no more than four songs plus alternative versions of featured songs."