Author Topic: Moment of Surrender Rap on SNL Sept 26 09  (Read 7415 times)


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Moment of Surrender Rap on SNL Sept 26 09
« on: September 27, 2009, 10:58:03 PM »
I transcribed Bonos rap from Moment of Surrender from last nights broadcast

taken from Chowie74 audio via

turning into midtown
thinkning about saturday
going down on downtown
going down on downtown
first stop rockafella plaza
this heart can't go any faster
tonight 49, west 49
saturday night still to climb
and if we slip, lets enjoy the slide
enjoy the slide
(slide solo)


(like this song?)life is short
its the longest thing you will ever do
reverse the curse was that your dreams came true
god is a miracle to which each man sees himself
hell is a place where you don't need anyones help
when i first met you your face was like snow
wherever i went you wanted to go
your face, your place, your can of mace
on a cases you put your face down
a17 on the ground, your faith in a clown
don't leave me now, don't leave me now
don't leave me now writing this song
don't leave me now writing this song


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Re: Moment of Surrender Rap on SNL Sept 26 09
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2012, 07:16:23 PM »
If Aaron can necro threads, so can I. :) I was listening to the Montreal 2 boot and wondered at the rap bit at the end, googled up then tweaked it per the performance I was listening to:

Life is short
But it's longest thing you’ll ever do
The worst, the curse was: your dreams came true
God is a mirror in which each man sees himself
Hell is a place where you don’t need any help
When I first met you your face was like snow
Wherever I went to, you wanted to go
Your face, your grace
Can of mace in your case
How'd you put it down
Aged 17, on the ground?
Don’t lose your faith in a clown
Don’t lose your faith in a clown
Don’t lose your faith in a clown

And from rosebowl DVD:

Life is short
But it's longest thing you’ll ever do
The worst, the curse was that your dreams came true
God is a mirror in which each man sees himself
Hell is a place where you don’t need any help
When I first met you your face was like snow
Wherever I went, you'd- you wanted to go
Your face, your grace
Your lipstick trace
Your case as you put it down
Aged 17 on the ground
Your faith in a clown
Don't leave me now
Don't leave me now
Alone in this song
Don't leave me now
Alone in this song
« Last Edit: March 13, 2012, 11:06:33 PM by Carl »