I've been waiting before posting here. Partly because I refused to listen to the leak. I pre-ordered on iTunes and I didn't wanna hear a thing until I had that.
Also because I never fully appreciate a U2 album the first time through. Some particular songs take a long time before I appreciate them. Eventually, I'm going to have a deep understanding of all these songs and their significance musically and lyrically, and with most of them develop a practically intimate relationship. That's just how I do.
But for now...
In general, I listened to it non-stop for a day or two and felt a little underwhelmed. I put my 487-track U2 playlist on shuffle to give me a break, and when Mysterious Ways came on I thought, "Man, they'll just never make another song as good as these." But when eventually it shuffled back to the new album, suddenly the new sound clicked and I could tell what makes this a departure from the last two albums. Not sure how to describe it yet, but it's new, I can hear that now. I can also hear the effect of Brain Eno and Danny Lanois, like Original Soundtracks, Unforgettable Fire, or Million Dollar Hotel.
By song:
No Line On the Horizon - I'd heard Version 2 because I bought the cd-single, and I loved it. This version surprised me because it's so different and I love it just as much. It's not often that anyone releases two versions of a song and I don't pick a favorite. Maybe eventually I will, but not yet. That aside, this song is a great opener and well represents the new sound.
Magnificent - I need more time with this song. It doesn't stand out to me.
Moment of Surrender - Stands out, but I'm ambivalent. More time.
Unknown Caller - Basically, on first listen, these three tracks seemed like ATYCLB decorated with style and effects from the new sound.
I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight - I remember reading that Bono called this one the pop song of the album, and I understand what he means. It's the only track I can imagine being played on the radio. It's a lot like HTDAAB.
Get On Your Boots - As much as I'd heard this song already, it's a very different impact in the middle of the album. I used to think this song was a HTDAAB track with some small stylistic differences, but now I hear the No Line sound in it. After track one I'd thought the album stagnated a little, and this was a great way to bring my focus back.
Stand Up Comedy - This one's even better. Really jumped out at me. The guitar riff sounds a lot like another one I've heard, but I've yet to figure out what song it's from. Not complaining; it's a good riff.
Fez - I'm treating this track like two songs. I think that's why they gave it two titles, like Alex Descends Into Hell for a Bottle of Milk/Korova I, or Beatiful Ghost/Introduction to Songs of Experience. Anyway, I absolutely loved this piece. I'd like to hear an extended version of it, a full track length of this, let it really develop. It hearkens to Original Soundtracks.
Being Born - Sounds kinda like Coldplay. "Not that there's anything wrong with that."
White as Snow - Different, but not memorable. Needs more time.
Breathe - Another one that really jumped out at me. Excellent.
Cedars of Lebanon - A great track, a mood you don't get often from U2. A weird note to end the album on. Rolling Stone says Brian Eno focuses on the album as a whole and Bono focuses on the singles, and I think this is an example of why you can't just do that part of it. However, if you loop the album then it makes for a good setup for the first track.