Author Topic: Interference  (Read 7423 times)


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« on: February 14, 2005, 04:05:36 PM »
...hey, I've read this in the front Page:

2005-02-11: News / Tours > A note to ticket brokers/scalpers: please stop e-mailing us about advertising space. We don't have any. If we did have any we still would not sell it to you. If you're looking for a major U2 fan site that's eager to help you with "online exposure", try interference. [CU]
...In my searching for Info, I've been to many web sites, including interference, but this one has never been into my favorites U2 sites...I found it like a web chaos, when I'm trying to get real info, I log onto @U2, Wanderer and U2tours.

Understand that I have nothing against Interference, but my feelings about this page are that user's are the ones who rather download songs, links, even album covers: U2 cyber-fans. Not the ones who struggle to get official items.

If you feel that this post it's against Wanderer Forum Rules, please remove it. Thanks


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« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2005, 04:12:48 PM »
I was just referring to the fact that Tanner still has that big banner ad up leading to a scalper site, not the people who visit there.  There are some regular members here who are regulars on Interference as well - it is one of the largest U2 message boards (along with Zootopia) and those wanting a fast paced community can find it there.

I personally like the fact I can read everything that goes up on this forum without having to freak out, find people to moderate etc.  It's a pretty quiet yet interesting place.