I like it. It starts off with a great TJT vibe and then evolves into a more modern pop tune. The lyrics and message are inspiring and uplifting. I'm sure some will say it's just more post-2000 fodder, but I've loved most of the post 2000 stuff, so that's just fine by me. 
Personally, I like “We Are the People” a hundred times more than “Eden: To Find Love”.
Colby, thanks for your feedback.
Travis . . . . . I actually prefer
Eden: To Find Love. It reminds of the style of music from
Rattle & Hum b-sides like
Dancing Barefoot,
Hallelujah (Here She Comes) and
A Room At The Heartbreak Hotel with the way the percussion instruments sound. I also love the guitars and Bono's singing. I am surprised the
Citizen Penn documentary is not mentioned on Sean Penn's Wikipedia page. It's not listed on his Wikipedia filmography page either. If the
Citizen Penn soundtrack exists, I can't find it anywhere [
at least right now I can't]. And I can't find any place to buy
Eden: To Find Love as a digital download.
Aaron, you probably already know this . . . . . but in case you don't, on
u2songs.com, on the news webpage titled
Bono Contributes song to Citizen Penn Documentary . . . . . . when I tried to play the
Song Audio via YouTube, it stated:
Video unavailable This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Lakeshore Records on behalf of Island Records and Polydor Records