Determining what is a single is a pain...
"American Soul" was one of the instant grat tracks. (Well it was instant at U2.Com, it was two weeks later for the rest of the services...) The song was sent to radio in the UK. And it had a video that was released, two of them, with the Broken Fingaz video, and the later boys on a barge thing. It was also used for promotion as part of the basketball stuff in the USA. It was definitely a promotional single.
But its not that different from "Until the End of the World" which was sent to radio, had its own promotional CD, and had a video developed for it.
So for me it comes down to whether or not it was ever sold separate from the album. And in the case of "American Soul" I would argue that it was not, as if you bought the track you got 1/13 of the album. The art was the same, it was sold under the album listing, and there was nothing to differentiate it from any other album track, except you could get it early. So it doesn't get a listing under singles...
it gets more difficult with all this digital stuff. The lines aren't as clear cut anymore. Even with my description above I still keep a link to the "The Miracle (of Joey Ramone)" promotional entry under singles, because that still makes sense to me. So there's always going to be exceptions.