WAVs are now available on the profile page! I did not expect this to happen, so it's a very pleasant surprise that they're doing the right thing!
Every conversation I have had with the powers that be, I've asked for uncompressed files for downloads. So happy to see this tonight. I urge you, if you have twitter, take a moment to thank @U2 and @U2comZooMods for this, so the message gets back that people are happy with these!
Thanks for being persistent - maybe it was your efforts that paid off!
I'll certainly do this. What do the mods have to do with it though? Do they bring the concerns of Zootopia to the Fanfire team? I actually just thought they were forum mods and that was about it. Shows what I know.
As for thanking U2, I will, because I'm thankful. But honestly, it feels like thanking a waiter for finally bringing you a glass of water at the end of a meal. No, they didn't "have" to do it, but it was something that should just be done automatically, and a while ago.