Thanks, man. Now I know. And, I lament that I've posted photos, many times before, only now realizing they were never seen.
Never again! 
okay, @dagobah, I've updated all photos in this post, now, FWIW. Please confirm visibility, and if you're still interested, hopefully my first set of photos will still prove helpful in navigating various iTunes views, etc.
Like I wrote in my post above, I see
all the photos in your post on page 1 of this thread. It's a great explanation and I really appreciate it. My iTunes Library
is in the
Songs View. And I choose
not to show artwork because, for
me, it takes up too much space.
I want only these columns of info on my iTunes track screen (
from left to right):
Track Name,
Track Time,
Number Of PlaysYes, I could
also have a column for
Kind, but I rarely need that info. And since I rarely need that info, I don't want it cluttering up my iTunes screen. But when I
do want that info, I right-click on the track, choose
Get Info and look at the top left of the
Get Info box. There will either be
Album Artwork or . . . . . . the generic iTunes image of a musical note. If I see
Album Artwork, it better be because I purchased the track from iTunes, Amazon, Beatport, etc.
But with this new discovery (
new for me) of iTunes . . . . .
on its own . . . . . . adding
Album Artwork to tracks that I imported from my own CDs . . . . . . I am not happy. In my mind, I expect to see
Album Artwork only for tracks I purchased.
Today, I discovered its not just U2 albums. Its with many other albums, too. So
now . . . . . . some of my imported tracks have
Album Artwork and some don't. iTunes thinks it is providing me a benefit, but its not a benefit for
me. I will now delete all the
Album Artwork that iTunes added because I prefer the simplicity and the consistency of my long established way of knowing which tracks were purchased. We all have our quirks and this is one of mine. I just hope iTunes doesn't add the
Album Artwork again . . . . . . at some point in the future.