I read the article only because of miryclay's post. The article is interesting and so are both your posts above. I will return to them and use them as a resource.
I already had the Apollo 11 music CD and one other Brian Eno CD. In 2012, I went through most of the albums that Brian Eno was featured on, whether solo or with other musicians. I used YouTube to figure out which tracks I wanted to buy and then bought them from the iTunes Store (or some other website if iTunes didn't have it). I wasn't able to find some of them tracks on YouTube. And I seem to remember I also couldn't buy some tracks online (digitally). I have detailed notes and eventually . . . . . . I will continue working on this project. Right now, though, I'm too busy with other stuff.
For me, I don't mind if there is a flow to the tracks on the album or not. If I like the track, I buy it. Then, I will throw those Brian Eno tracks into an iTunes playlist with some Michael Brook, George Winston, etc. . . . . download them to my iPOD Shuffle and go hiking.