The band behave like if the don't give a s/f about the sales and their popularity at all (contrary to what Bono always says!)
That would be ok 20 years ago... 10 years ago... but I just don't get why now?!
To me they have reached their Rolling Stones phase.
People (general causual listners) don't care about new U2 records,
they want to listen to the hits, and put a check next to U2 on their "Bands to see live" lists.
I just don't get it, why Edge, Larry and Adam can't promote the album without Bono?!
Would it hurt to go to Fallon, Letterman or Kimmel to chat about the album, the tour, Bono's condition? NOPE
Would it hurt for Edge to perform say Song For Someone on the couch? NOPE
Would it hurt to attend the Grammy's? NOPE
the list just goes on...
What's wrong with them?!
They have brilliant album and brilliant songs (bar the 1st again wrongly choosen single),
Why they wait 2 months with Video for Every Breaking Wave?
Why they release "new version" to radio... but no CD or even digital single?
I looks like Apple paid enough for them to don't give a s/f.
But bare your minds, I have organized ca. 20 - U2 Fan Gatherings between 2001 - 2014... every time up until 2009 there were new fans coming... since 2010... the number of people is rapidly decreasing. People in mid 30 are tied to their families and jobs, and there are NO (ZERO) new fans. People in mid 20 look to Arctic Monkeys, Muse, Coldplay, Arcade Fire....
If U2 does nothing to change that... they are already "the next" Rolling Stones! (I guess Anybody Seen My Baby is their last "proper" hit... and that was 1997.... we should get used to "Vertigo" being the last song causual people will associate with U2.)
I would fire the guy - Guy right away!
Paul please come back!