Author Topic: You know you're obsessed when...  (Read 6092 times)


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You know you're obsessed when...
« on: June 11, 2009, 05:51:24 PM »
I just opened a soda can and saw that the lid says, "GO1B"
My initial reaction was to think it said GOYB, for Get On Your Boots. I then figured GO1B would be Get On One Boot.
This is inspired me to start a thread of "You know you're obsessed with U2 when..."


You know you're obsessed with U2 when you forget "catorce" is Spanish for fourteen, not four.
You know you're obsessed with U2 when you buy a two- or three-disc album you'll never listen to, just to see if the U2 song on it is the same version you already own.
You know you're obsessed with U2 when you buy albums by artists you don't like just because Bono and The Edge wrote one of the songs.
You know you're obsessed with U2 when you check u2 fansites several times daily for updates, then check the forums.
You know you're obsessed with U2 when the number 40 makes you sing.
You know you're obsessed with U2 when you can remember the date of Martin Luther King Jr.'s death because it's in the last verse of "Pride."

... et cetera.

Add your own!


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Re: You know you're obsessed when...
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2009, 11:13:13 AM »
You know you're obsessed with U2 when you buy a two- or three-disc album you'll never listen to, just to see if the U2 song on it is the same version you already own.

Too true. I've bought three of these just in the last week.  :-[


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Re: You know you're obsessed when...
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2009, 04:14:31 PM »
You know you're obsessed with U2 when you've asked at any time, "What would Bono do?"