Author Topic: No Line On The Horizon (Discussion)  (Read 7225 times)


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No Line On The Horizon (Discussion)
« on: February 18, 2009, 10:49:14 AM »
Today the album has leaked, first impressions or opinions ?


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Re: No Line On The Horizon (Discussion)
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2009, 12:43:04 PM »
I'm only at one listen, in the car to and from the gym this morning and then on the way to work.

So far very impressed; lot's of musical variety on there and it's definitely NOT ATYCLB Part III.

Oh, and Stand Up Comedy RAWKS!  I thought they were channeling Zeppelin on GOYB, but this is much better.


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Re: No Line On The Horizon (Discussion)
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2009, 01:17:28 PM »
I would go to say this is their 3rd masterpiece, behind AB / JT, the album is really great , definitely not what I expected , more  ;D


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Re: No Line On The Horizon (Discussion)
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2009, 07:19:15 PM »
I was expecting something a bit different on first listen on headphones last night, something a bit more adventurous... the sound of four men chopping down the past two albums this isn't. I couldn't decide what songs to skip to after my first listen though, unlike Bomb where only two seemed "interesting" to me (not that many more weren't moving live).

Just putting it up on speakers while working today kind of puts it into perspective. It's a very good pop album, really no songs I want to skip.  Some of the Lanois vocal harmonies took a few takes to get used to, but I like them.  Stand Up Comedy does rock. :)  There is are definate "Edge discovered classic rock" guitar lines like ABOY, kind of a beatleseque feel at times, but it works really well.  A lot of variation in the album, yet it feels like it has a really coherant flow to it.  I can see Bono saying it was two songs from a concept album.  It really works as an album, the overall lyrical/emotional progression is pretty powerful.

Magnificent's intro seems kind of tacked on a 80s U2esque guitar piece... there are a few moments like that I think.  It's a definate build of the last two albums, while not being repetitive, some zooropa/passengers in there - all in all I wish they could have gotten here one album after Pop instead of two, but hey.


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Re: No Line On The Horizon (Discussion)
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2009, 09:12:45 AM »
finally yesterday I have received my copy of the deluxe edition... the package is monumental for a 2 discs box... I have tried to compare the tracks from the dvd with the album, the only difference I noticed seems the short intro on breathe...


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Re: No Line On The Horizon (Discussion)
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2009, 12:48:38 PM »
finally yesterday I have received my copy of the deluxe edition... the package is monumental for a 2 discs box... I have tried to compare the tracks from the dvd with the album, the only difference I noticed seems the short intro on breathe...

yup, Breathe on Linear is about 20 seconds shorter than on the CD


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Re: No Line On The Horizon (Discussion)
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2009, 08:17:34 PM »
I've been waiting before posting here. Partly because I refused to listen to the leak. I pre-ordered on iTunes and I didn't wanna hear a thing until I had that.

Also because I never fully appreciate a U2 album the first time through. Some particular songs take a long time before I appreciate them. Eventually, I'm going to have a deep understanding of all these songs and their significance musically and lyrically, and with most of them develop a practically intimate relationship. That's just how I do.

But for now...
In general, I listened to it non-stop for a day or two and felt a little underwhelmed. I put my 487-track U2 playlist on shuffle to give me a break, and when Mysterious Ways came on I thought, "Man, they'll just never make another song as good as these." But when eventually it shuffled back to the new album, suddenly the new sound clicked and I could tell what makes this a departure from the last two albums. Not sure how to describe it yet, but it's new, I can hear that now. I can also hear the effect of Brain Eno and Danny Lanois, like Original Soundtracks, Unforgettable Fire, or Million Dollar Hotel.

By song:

No Line On the Horizon - I'd heard Version 2 because I bought the cd-single, and I loved it. This version surprised me because it's so different and I love it just as much. It's not often that anyone releases two versions of a song and I don't pick a favorite. Maybe eventually I will, but not yet. That aside, this song is a great opener and well represents the new sound.

Magnificent - I need more time with this song. It doesn't stand out to me.

Moment of Surrender - Stands out, but I'm ambivalent. More time.

Unknown Caller - Basically, on first listen, these three tracks seemed like ATYCLB decorated with style and effects from the new sound.

I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight - I remember reading that Bono called this one the pop song of the album, and I understand what he means. It's the only track I can imagine being played on the radio. It's a lot like HTDAAB.

Get On Your Boots - As much as I'd heard this song already, it's a very different impact in the middle of the album. I used to think this song was a HTDAAB track with some small stylistic differences, but now I hear the No Line sound in it. After track one I'd thought the album stagnated a little, and this was a great way to bring my focus back.

Stand Up Comedy - This one's even better. Really jumped out at me. The guitar riff sounds a lot like another one I've heard, but I've yet to figure out what song it's from. Not complaining; it's a good riff.

Fez - I'm treating this track like two songs. I think that's why they gave it two titles, like Alex Descends Into Hell for a Bottle of Milk/Korova I, or Beatiful Ghost/Introduction to Songs of Experience. Anyway, I absolutely loved this piece. I'd like to hear an extended version of it, a full track length of this, let it really develop. It hearkens to Original Soundtracks.

Being Born - Sounds kinda like Coldplay. "Not that there's anything wrong with that."

White as Snow - Different, but not memorable. Needs more time.

Breathe - Another one that really jumped out at me. Excellent.

Cedars of Lebanon - A great track, a mood you don't get often from U2. A weird note to end the album on. Rolling Stone says Brian Eno focuses on the album as a whole and Bono focuses on the singles, and I think this is an example of why you can't just do that part of it. However, if you loop the album then it makes for a good setup for the first track.


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Re: No Line On The Horizon (Discussion)
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2009, 12:26:30 AM »
I had a similar approach Z000 - I think I was initially expecting a lot "more" and after a while it just made sense.  Good to see I'm not the only one that isn't really that interested in Magnificent and finds Fez one of the most enjoyable minutes on the album. :)

Over time MoS, UC, and Breathe have really grown on me, SoC and f/BB grabbed me at first but are sinking. I thought Muse more than Coldplay on BB.


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Re: No Line On The Horizon (Discussion)
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2009, 11:55:57 PM »
New remarks:

Magnificent hit me a few days ago, I'd say if they channel Muse on any song it's that one. I feel like Bono kind of hinders it until he gets to the chorus. I think maybe one of the reasons some of these songs seem unadventurous to me is that the style of singing seems too like what they've done lately, even though it's probably the best approach for the "hymns of the future" goal they had with this album.

Moment of Surrender still hasn't done much for me. Note: ATM stands for Automated Teller Machine. It's not an ATM machine, that would be an Automated Teller Machine machine. As a grammar nazi, this is something that irks me a lot in person, so I have a hard time allowing it even within the poetic license and slang of song lyrics. I bet eventually it'll stop bothering me and even become a funny little characteristic of the song (just like, "uno, dos, tres, catorce"). For now: points off, U2.

I still want to rename I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight something along the lines of "Walk On a Moment You Can't Make It On a Miracle of the Species."

Current favorite tracks: No Line On the Horizon, Breathe, Cedars of Lebanon


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Re: No Line On The Horizon (Discussion)
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2009, 11:07:57 PM »
Well, after many repeated listenings, it's fast becoming one of my favorites. The stuff here has so many layers!