Okay, here's one I've NEVER seen or heard of...
This Japanese guide to the U2 discography is up on eBay at the moment. See here:
eBay linkHelpfully, they provide scans of all the pages in the book... and everything else in the book I've heard of, but this one recording from 1996 was new to me:
http://lenoirberg.from.tv/u2library1/z/z54/1.jpgI refer to the last entry, the album "Vending Machine" by Masatoshi Nagase. Track 6, "Vending Machine", has a credit to Larry Mullen. Any ideas? Anyone else know anything about this? I checked Google with numerous combinations of word searches, and nothing comes up that makes specific reference to Larry's contribution.
here indicates that "Vending Machine" has music written by Iggy Pop, so now I'm even more confused.