I just wanted to add some info concerning this fantastic promo cd. There are two versions available. Now I don't know if one is more rarer than the other, but they are both identical except one has a white label cover (as advertised by eil.com) and the other has the label you have already listed here. "U2PRO5" is the cat. # on the white labled disc as well. You have to turn the disc upside down and read the cat. # and see the "Universal" logos close to the inner ring hole. This is, strictly speaking, one of the only ways to determine the validity of ANY disc. I was fortunate enough to purchase a "white label" version of this promo cd from a source connected to Anglo Plugging promotions in the UK. See angloplugging.co.uk .
To add to the running times you haven't listed yet:
Cry/Electric Co - 5:55
Beautiful Day - 4:31
Total running time of the 4 tracks - 18:52
I am a big fan of live U2 promos. I guess it is U2 doing what they do best. Playing live. This particular promo is a must for the diehards. Cry/Electric Co is a big highlight of this tour and Beautiful Day, arguably, has never been better than on this live version (for an "official" release of any sort).
Take care and thanks for keeping up with the great site.