Author Topic: U2 Best of 1980-1990 DVD  (Read 6062 times)


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U2 Best of 1980-1990 DVD
« on: November 29, 2005, 03:48:46 PM »
I've seen this DVD on eBay and was wondering if it's real. In the discography section it only notes a VCD. Help me out!


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« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2005, 11:11:32 AM »
I would doubt that it is the real thing.  At least I haven't heard of it, and I like to think I am fairly well informed on these things.  Of course I could have missed it or something.  There have been rumors for some time now.

The link is here.

The picture is small but it does seem to have a number (280 of 1000?).  It also has the Unf. Fire documentary from the Unf. Fire Collection and/or Slane Castle.

Interesting, but doubt it is an official release.

[Edited on 11/30/2005 by jimbo913]

Not sure why my last paragraphs are in link form.

[Edited on 11/30/2005 by jimbo913]

Carl - I think I fixed it.

[Edited on 2005-12-1 by Carl]

Thanks Carl!  I also tinyurled it.

[Edited on 12/1/2005 by jimbo913]


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« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2005, 04:18:56 PM »
Yeah, absolutely not a legit official release.  The number of illegitimate U2 DVD "releases" on ebay is staggering.  While you may in fact get a decent product if you purchase one of these fakes (I have no experience so I can't really comment), it is certainly not even better than the real thing!

The individually-numbered thing - that's just to try to fool ya.  I mean, might they have had 1000 discs professionally pressed?  Sure, but that doesn't make it any more official.  =)

All that said, I don't think we'll have to wait too much longer for the real deal.  If I had to take a guess, I'd say that it'll be out a little while after the tour concludes (kinda like the CD/VHS releases of BO80-90 and BO90-00 were put out not too long after the previous two tours).  Here's hoping, anyway!