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Discography & Releases / Re: Construction Ahead. Use Caution.
« Last post by God, Part II on June 29, 2020, 03:38:52 PM »
Discography & Releases / Re: Construction Ahead. Use Caution.
« Last post by Aaron on June 28, 2020, 05:01:04 PM »
It has finally occurred to me what feature I would desperately like to see enabled at! A way to search by format! I know each album and song listing advises which formats they’ve been released in, but rather than be limited by going from album/song to format, I’d like the reverse search to be possible, too. I know some people won’t be able to fathom this, but I have no tolerance for vinyl and cassette formats, and can only begrudgingly accept digital downloads if they’re high resolution. CD is my format of choice and I feel that I am starting to get a little lost on some of these one-off releases (like Five Seconds of Summer’s “Best Years”) in terms of what’s available in formats I prefer. Do you think a feature like that could be made viable?

Yes. It's about 2/3 finished :)

You will be able to view lists by best quality available...

Streaming Only
Compressed Digital Files
Non-Compressed Analog Sources (Vinyl / Cassette)
CD Quality Audio (Digital or Physical)
High Resolution Digital Audio
Analog Video Source
Digital Video Source.

It'll be tied in at the lyrics pages.  So you'll be able to find a list of what is available as best format.

Also going to give you the ability to sort tracks by solo U2 vs the full band or Passengers. And a couple of other options as well...
Discography & Releases / Re: Construction Ahead. Use Caution.
« Last post by God, Part II on June 26, 2020, 09:34:05 PM »
It has finally occurred to me what feature I would desperately like to see enabled at! A way to search by format! I know each album and song listing advises which formats they’ve been released in, but rather than be limited by going from album/song to format, I’d like the reverse search to be possible, too. I know some people won’t be able to fathom this, but I have no tolerance for vinyl and cassette formats, and can only begrudgingly accept digital downloads if they’re high resolution. CD is my format of choice and I feel that I am starting to get a little lost on some of these one-off releases (like Five Seconds of Summer’s “Best Years”) in terms of what’s available in formats I prefer. Do you think a feature like that could be made viable?
General Site / Re: Profile Avatar
« Last post by dagobah on June 17, 2020, 07:16:03 PM »
Yes, we are having issues with permissions on our old server. Due to new security some of the features of this forum won't work, including the ability to upload avatars. We know it's a problem.  We have a fix for it but have other things that have to get done first.
Yes, of course.  I'm cool with that.  Thanks for the response.
General Site / Re: Profile Avatar
« Last post by Aaron on June 17, 2020, 06:05:51 PM »
Thanks for the reply.  I understand your response.  It’s not an emergency so it can wait.  However . . . . . I just tried the process again so that I could document exactly what appears . . . . . after I click on the Change profile button.  The webpage leaves that screen and then a box this appears with this:
An Error Has Occurred!
The attachments upload directory is not writable.  Your attachment or avatar cannot be saved.

Yes, we are having issues with permissions on our old server. Due to new security some of the features of this forum won't work, including the ability to upload avatars. We know it's a problem.  We have a fix for it but have other things that have to get done first. 
General Site / Re: Profile Avatar
« Last post by dagobah on June 16, 2020, 07:13:57 AM »
Thanks for the reply.  I understand your response.  It’s not an emergency so it can wait.  However . . . . . I just tried the process again so that I could document exactly what appears . . . . . after I click on the Change profile button.  The webpage leaves that screen and then a box this appears with this:
An Error Has Occurred!
The attachments upload directory is not writable.  Your attachment or avatar cannot be saved.
General Site / Re: Profile Avatar
« Last post by Aaron on June 16, 2020, 07:00:00 AM »
I'll look into it but the forum is running on an old server, and needs to be moved, so we probably won't put a lot of time or effort into this until such time that we are ready to make the move.
General Site / Profile Avatar
« Last post by dagobah on June 15, 2020, 08:08:54 PM »
I did the following in chronological order:
-  went to my forum profile
-  deleted the existing image for my profile avatar
-  clicked on the Change Profile button
-  exited my forum profile
-  viewed a forum thread to confirm that the image was no longer visible on two of my previous forum posts
-  returned to my forum profile
-  tried to upload a different image for my profile avatar
The image I tried to upload is only 30 KB but the upload did not work.  What should I do to fix this?
Discography & Releases / Re: different LIVE arrangements of U2 songs
« Last post by dagobah on June 08, 2020, 05:12:03 PM »
I also discovered the live performance (during the 2018 tour) of Dirty Day is different because Bono uses quite a bit of time during the song to talk about the band growing up in Ireland . . . . . and the consequence of that is . . . . . many of the lyrics are not sung.
Discography & Releases / different LIVE arrangements of U2 songs
« Last post by dagobah on June 07, 2020, 05:20:27 PM »
I just discovered the following two arrangements of Iris (Hold Me Close) were performed quite differently:
1.  Paris, France December 7, 2015 (which is on the DVD release)
2.  Montreal, Canada June 6 2018 (which is on the 2019 U2 fan club CD release Live Songs of iNNOCENCE+eXPERIENCE)

The lyrics of Iris (Hold Me Close) are moved around and thus . . . . . so is the music.  I only found out because I am currently deciding which live U2 audio files from 2015 to 2018 . . . . . . are worth keeping in my iTunes library.  But it's weird I am only now discovering this different live arrangement of Iris (Hold Me Close).

Thanks to Aaron's detailed notes in the discography, we know that U2 performed New Year's Day with a very different arrangement in 2017 and 2018.  Is there anyone on the forum who knows what other songs U2 performed with different arrangements in 2015, 2017, 2018 and 2019?
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