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Custom CMS for the Wanderer

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I've been looking into some PHP frameworks and found one that's interested me.  I'll be trying to write up a custom content management system that can deal with the lyrics section, discography, newsbits, and normal pages. When this is done it should be pretty easy to edit the site - no idea when but as I'm not doing my job of transcribing I was thinking of passing the torch to slaneman (and perhaps that would get me a bit more involved).

No idea how long it will take, but I'm pretty sure I can do it.  ;D

I'm honored and hope I wouldn't burn my hands with that torch.    :)

I've already done pretty much everything that's currently missing, but can always use other listeners.  ;D

I've actually decided to use expression engine - it's a really flexible system and I've been messing around with it on my spare time.  Almost worked out a way to import all the lyrics in from my custom database, still a few little quirks.  After that it's finalizing how we'll input the discography stuff and coming up with templates (and aaron doing a lot of data entry hehe).

got it done yet?  hmm?  hmm?  lol.

i'm playing with formatting on the singles...that bottom section that's causing troubles is always a pain to enter on the static pages...looked over at depmod but they seem to struggle with how to present that too...and are currently using individual pages for each physical release which would be over the top to manage without a system of some sort...

I wouldn't play with formatting too much - behind on expression engine but it is the way to go. We can have one entry for the disco entry, then tie it to a value on all the physical entries sort by type.


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