This section deals with other artists recording
songs that U2 has written and performed, otherwise known as "Cover Versions"
of the songs. We won't be including every performance of a U2 song
by every artist. The list is far too extensive to do that.
Instead we will concentrate on material that has been recorded and released
by other bands.
Each entry includes cover art for a release containing the U2 song,
information on the release such as the label the recording was released
on and the year of release, to help you in your efforts tracking down such
Some entries, such as those coming from full length tribute albums,
have individual entries in the discography. In these cases you can
click on the cover artwork to reach the individual entry for that release.
The entries are split up alphabetically by the name of the U2 song which
is being covered. For instance, if you want to know what covers of
"Bad" exist, click on the B link above to get to the entries for that particular
As always we're always happy to hear from our readers with information
we have missed in the discography. Please use the contribute link
on the side to learn more about contributing.